Hm.  Where to start...  Well.

Shortly after my previous post, Today is a Good Day, I was admitted to the hospital for a week.  Yes.  The hospital.  I had a bad case of strep throat, and bad dehydration.  They had to keep me hooked up to an IV with fluids.  Luckily, I managed to eat and keep down solid foods after two days.  And I am all better now.

In other news, my partner Jo and I have been working like slaves at a couple collaborative works.  One is completely original, the other a Naruto fanfiction.  Sand Trails (the latter) and Bloody Woman (the former) can both be found on her blogs.  I am also constantly writing random drabbles for the story-universes of both of these, which can be found here, on my other blog.  We are both very excited to be writing these things, along with their as of yet unposted side-stories, Stalking Sydney and Against the Odds.

Yes, I'm link happy.  Shut up and read.  :P

Anyway.  What else...?  Oh yes!  My brilliant and amazing author friend Gerilyn has been speaking with a publisher about our Tales of the Phantom Court series!  She stipulated the involvement for our mutual co-writer Abby and my own involvement in the signing, and so both of us also have been communicating with the woman.  This means, upon the completion and editing of my book for the series, Those that See, I will be an official, published author!  I will keep everyone updated on how things are progressing.

Right now, I am working on finishing the rough draft by mid-August.  Which, as my SCAdian associates and family knows, really means 'by the end of July', since I WILL be attending Pennsic if it kills me.  But, I am confident I can do it, since I have 8.5 chapters left of 3.5 - 4 k words each, and I wrote 50k words last November within the month.  If I can't do the promised in three, then there's something wrong with me.

Um... what next...  Oh!  The baby dragon is home, for those of you whom are not already aware.  He is doing brilliantly and has wrapped us all around his miniature pinky.  Aine can't stop staring at him.  XD  Frankly, neither can I...  hahaha.

Happy early birthday to my beloved!  I will send you my love.  *kisses and hugs*

Alright, I think that's all my news.  If I think of anything else, I'll update again.  Peace out.  Live long and prosperous.  And all that jazz.  <3