I know, it's been a while.  *hangs head*  I'm so sorry.  I've just been very very busy with life!  Well, let me tell you what's happened since the last update.

I have finished part one of book one of Those That See, and am going through personal editing before myself and the Publisher (Curiosity Quills Press) will be negotiating terms for publishing.  Yes, dears, that means it is a go (at least on my part).  They love my writing, for which I'm very relieved, and have even expressed interest in my other works!  So that front is going well.

Mm, in other news, I am currently looking into moving to FL in order to be closer with the love of my life.  If anyone has advice or suggestions on that topic, feel free to join me in my chatroom, send me an email, or contact me by phone (315-378-7794- if I don't answer, leave a quick message and I'll get back to you).

Uhhh... well, that's all I can think of to say, so... yeah.  Still alive!  Have a nice day!